Monday, November 28, 2011

The First Post

So here it goes, the first post.  In pondering about this first post for the last few days, I have wondered what would be worthy of the "first post" title and even more where to here I am, sharing what is currently on my brain.  Hopefully in future posts I will be a little more organized...well, here's to hoping.  =)

I guess I will start with the why, why I have started this blog that is.  For those who don't know yet, my husband and I have recently moved to Branson, MO so that I can work full time with a ministry that I have been a part of for the past 12 years called AIM Around the World.  It has been a giant change for us and while we are still adjusting to everything, we know that we are where God wants us to be.  I have started this blog for 2 main purposes: 1) To share a little more of our lives now that we no longer live close to any of our family. 2) To share more with those who are interested about what we will be doing while working with AIM.

That has been our lives for the past couple months.  We did have the opportunity to lead a team of six young adults on a mission trip through the East Coast and will be leading another trip through Southern California the very beginning of next year.  I will share more on the East Coast trip in another blog.  For now I think that is about it.  I'll leave you with a picture from tonight of my husband and I enjoying our new home and the first fire of the winter.
